Titanic was owned by British white star liner and was
reckoned to be about 900
feet long and 100 feet high and the fastest on 30 knots in
speed with individualized watertight compartments for which it was accredited
as unsinkable in the eyes of the builder. The ship could carry as many as 2,206
passengers and 898 crew members on board on that maiden voyage. Incidentally,
this envious vessel which left Southampton England ,
with pomp and glamour could not sail to it’s expected destination, New York city when it ran
into an iceberg that drowned it with about 1,500 of it’s many occupants.
Co-incidentally, the same British coupled Nigeria in 1914, two years after Titanic ended
in the belly of an Atlantic Ocean with great
eagerness to reap fortunes from it’s abundant human and natural resources to
compliment her domestic revenue and to offset her continued trade deficit
emanating from the northern axis with that of south. Though, it reaped this
fortune for 46 years but seemed dissatisfied when the founding fathers of
Nigerian independence came knocking at the door requesting for their freedom.
Such men like Pa Nnamdi Azikiwe, Pa Enahoro and Pa Awolowo and host of others.
In pursuit of this economic gains, Britain undermined outstanding
differences in culture, language, religious and philosophical believes of the
tribal units being fussed into one ship called Nigeria and which began to sink
no sooner she left to sail in 1960. Due to economic interest in the southeast, Britain, Egypt and Russia backed the Nigerian government in weaponry and personnel to crush the seceding Biafra which was perceived as region with independence-front-liners, to restore their control on the region’s newly found oil without doing much to entrench justice and fairness in the politics of the country since after the civil war.
It must be recalled that 1914 was in heat days when European
powers that scrambled and partitioned African territory were tying up their
African booties as though bunches of firewood and Britain was in a hurry to tie
up her fragmented booties in the west coast of Africa into an entity known
today as Nigeria before France and other contending powers could breach into
these protectorates. By this effort, Nigeria became big in human and
material resources like the titanic, commanding a high population of about
fifty million and vast mineral resources spread across the regions by
Independence Day.
The competition that existed in the ship industry in United
Kingdom that gave birth to this great vessel, titanic, was similar to
competition among European nations scramble of Africa that produced Nigeria.
Titanic and Nigeria were
both products of intense competitions between Cunard and White star liner in
one hand and Britain , Russia and France in another hand.
Just as titanic was hastily done to meet the challenges of
that time, Nigeria
amalgamation was hastily done as well to make administration easy for the
overlords. Though the Nationalists could be partly blamed for the haste
preceding the Independence that forced unwilling and unready section of the
country to be co-opted into the independence project for which opportunity
Britain seized to create a big fundamental problem the nation is grappling with
till date. While desire to be independent from colonial rule was high in the
hearts of founding fathers, they fell to the British bait by accepting to be
merged with unready north meant to continue an indirect rule on the new nation
and independence front-liners were ready to accept any conditions that would
make the white overlords ease out quickly. For if the agitators were insistence
on being separate nations and patiently waited for more years, may be the story
could have been different today.
The ceding of Bakassi Peninsula to the German government without
the consent of the indigenous people of the land based on the treaty of
protection signed with the king of bakassi way back 1884 is among recent
evidence of fundamental problems the colonial master created for the new
nation, Nigeria. Nigeria , on
her own and possibly with the aid of her foreign war advisers signed off
Bakassi again to Cameroun to
block Biafra from accessing the world through the sea and to support the cause
of Nigeria .
Today, the signing off of the peninsula has become a spate in the eyes of well
meaning Nigerians, a source of aggression and axis of death for bakassi people
and Nigerians at large from Cameroun
neighbour, for which Nigeria
will forever live to regret.
It was discovered that there was a small coal fire in one of the bunkers of titanic which was alarming, though not an uncommon occurrence on steamships of that time. Stokers hosed down the smoldering coal and shoveled it aside to reach the base of the blaze. After assessing the situation, the captain and chief engineer concluded that it was unlikely it had caused any damage that could affect the hull structure, and the stokers were ordered to continue controlling the fire at sea. According to a theory put forth by a small number of Titanic experts, the fire became uncontrollable after the ship left Southampton, forcing the crew to attempt a full-speed crossing; moving at such a fast pace, they were unable to avoid the fatal collision with the iceberg. According to a British journalist, Michael Nicholson, during the civil war, the war would have been inevitable because of what he referred to as tribal prejudice, jealousy and gang up against the Ibos because of their unity, progress and industry which was helped to full blow by 1966 coup led by Igbo officers. But the zeal of the officers to arrest a monumental corruption, embezzlement and extravagant lifestyles and anarchy of some politicians which became worrisome to all observers of the new republic gave rise to the coup in order to entrench orderliness. Corruption and ethnic prejudice in Nigeria and other contemporary nations of Africa
were like little coals of fire discovered in titanic at that
time which went out of control because of negligence. And moving fast to save
the situation through the coup of 1966 created bigger problems leading to disintegration
as it was wrongly executed and Northern soldiers pretended to misunderstood and
misinterpreted the true situation. Whereas Ghana’s coup by flight Lt.Jerry
Lawrence successfully curbed corruption but Nigeria’s created multiple coups,
deepened corruption, tribal hatred, selfish political class, mediocrity and
religious bigotry.
Will they out of shame commit suicide in order to end with Nigeria like Thomas Andrews who for shame of what people will say ended his life with the unsinkable titanic?